We made it through the night with no binky. She woke up at 11:30 and yelled for her binky and I told her we should go check and see if the Binky Fairy came. We went downstairs and found the empty basket and a bag of toys. She was very excited, especially with her princess flashlight. She ate some PEZ and played with the new books and blocks. I told her it was time to go to bed but she was so wired we ended up staying up until nearly 3 a.m. She has asked for her binky three times and each time I have told her the BF took them all. She's been okay with that and there have been no melt downs.
When I see her sleeping without her binky I feel a little sad because that is the one thing she's had her whole life. Each time she has asked for one it has really tugged on my heart. She is probably handling it better than I am :)
Here's the midnight picture from last night. Nice bed-head huh?!!